Michelle Fitzgerald stands a shade under six feet tall and she's built to move bodies around in the paint. After turning heads in Tennessee and Kentucky this summer she followed that up by making the USJN all star team in DC for the 15u division. The powerful lefty showed that she can push the break and dominate a game on both ends of the court. She recently decided to attend North Carolina A&T and is poised to have a huge senior season at MATHS.
695: How old were you when you started playing ball?
Michelle: I started playing basketball at 11 years old.
695: Where did you grow up?
Michelle: I grew up in East Baltimore near 29th street. Lived here my whole life.
695: Which AAU teams have you been with?
Michelle: I have only played for the Baltimore Starz.
695: What is your favorite class in school?
Michelle: I really liked Math until I got to AP Calculus. It is hard but I like a challenge.
695: What do you like about playing basketball?
Michelle: What I love about basketball is it made me a better person on and off the court. When I started playing I gained more confidence in myself and I began to push myself at everything. If I didn't play basketball I don't know what my life would be like right now.
695: What do you need to add to your game?
Michelle: I think i really need to work on decision making and not thinking so much and just playing my game.
695: What was it like the first time you got a call from a college coach trying to recruit you?
Michelle: I was very nervous about my first call with a college coach, but as we talked I began to get more comfortable.
695: Who is your favorite player and why?
Michelle: My favorite player is Lebron James because he's one of the reasons why I started playing basketball. As I watched him play, I found myself trying to be more like him, and my game has gotten better because of that.
695: If you could be mayor of Baltimore City what two things would you change?
Michelle: If I was the mayor of Baltimore I would change the school system and make better facilities for the kids. And better food for lunch! I would also try to make the neighborhoods safer for children.
695: Tell me about a funny AAU road trip...
Michelle: The best road trip was when it was my birthday weekend. We were at Hersey Park for USJN. My coach told me to meet him outside so we could talk about the game. When I arrived in the lobby all my teammates and parents were there singing happy birthday to me.
695: What made you choose North Carolina A&T?
Michelle: I wanted to attend an HBCU. They were second in the MEAC last year so I know they are competitive. They have a great Computer Science program. I want to get out of Baltimore and I have family down there. Plus they run a lot of the same stuff that Coach Scott does.
695: Good luck with everything.
Michelle: Thank you.
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